





The phrase “Animal Welfare” has become well-known in here these days.
The keepers in zoos, aquariums or other institutions are doing their best for the environment enrichment, even the budgets and the facilities are limited.
We can see the wild animals at zoos, aquariums and other facilities because of their efforts.
At there, you can watch how animals behave, and learn about their traits and biology as well.

We do their care and management during the quarantine period under the direction of our veterinary surgeon, so if it is needed we can provide the medical treatment of animals.
We can also support their transport within Japan after the quarantine.
Even if it is a small matter, we do everything for the health and safety of the animals.
By carrying out this whole process, we are able to ensure smooth arrangements and reduce the stress for the animals.
We check the health and conditions of imported animals, and provide treatment and care properly.
Because of it, we can provide zoos, aquariums and other institutions with more accurate information and appropriate advice on the care of animals at the new environments to ensure a safe and healthy future for the animals.

Zoos and aquariums are systematically breeding their animals in order to preserve the species, but even they succeed in breeding, sometimes they have other matters.
It is difficult to keep all of new born animals at the limited spaces.
For example large animals, such as hippopotamuses, giraffes and walruses, require substantial facilities. At a breeding season, males and females need to be separated, otherwise males start fighting. There is also a risk of inbreeding if they live together with their parents and siblings.
As zoos and aquariums are trying to avoid these problems and maintain good pedigrees, they have to move the animals to other zoos or aquariums where they can be accepted.
However, it's really hard to find a new place to move in, so often the breeding can be restricted.

Some zoos abroad euthanize animals for which they cannot find a place to move in.
Some people thinks they can return to wild, but of course it is difficult for animals which born and raised in captivity to survive in the wild.
We, human beings exploit the natural environments of wild animals, so it is our role to help them.
Most of the animals kept in zoos today are captive bred and their home is the zoo or aquarium, and they think their caring keepers are family members.
There are many rare animals that lose their lives due to hunting quotas.
This means that animals are allowed to be hunted and killed legally.
In order to give as many animals as possible a meaningful existence and a chance to live, we make full use of our global network, and strive to provide an environment where they can live in peace, without being hindered by the stove-piped system of each country and organization, which hinders the transfer of so-called surplus animals to new places.
From the perspective of conservation and biodiversity, this is an indispensable effort, as the valuable data accumulated through the successful breeding of rare animals at the right age is fed back to the animals in the wild, although it is not visible to the general public.

These experiences have now begun to grow into the conservation of ecosystems on a global scale.
We believe that it is our dream and responsibility to leave behind an environment where children 50 to 100 years from now will be able to experience animals.
We are convinced that making children feel familiar with and interested in live animals will lead to the protection of animals, the preservation of the global environment, and ultimately to a better coexistence between people and animals.
In order for our company to be a bridge between people and animals, and for the future 100 years from now, we are doing everything we can to carry out conservation activities now.
Our friendship with animals and our strong desire for future coexistence is what drives us.
875, Kaminagai, Asahi-shi, Chiba-ken, JAPANTEL: +81-479-50-5065
Business hours: 10:00 - 19:00 (JST)